Discover the passionate contributors behind We Are Windsurfers.
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Hervé Hauss
French journalist Hervé Hauss was one of the great names in windsurfing, popularising the sport at the same time as funboarding. A major reporter for Wind Magazine, he also wrote a number of books devoted to windsurfing in collaboration with Arnaud and Jenna de Rosnay, Bernard Biancotto and Christian Le Bozec. He then continued his career with the Hachette group as editor-in-chief and then editorial director of Entrevue magazine, then joined the editorial staff of VSD magazine. Hervé Hauss, who died in April 1999, left an indelible mark with his pen and his eye, a unique touch that immortalised the 80s. Many thanks to Martine Hauss for permission to use his images.

Darrell Wong
Darrell Wong has never had any scientific or artistic training in photography, nor has he attended any specialised schools. His real education began and continues in the waves of the ocean. In the early days of windsurfing in Hawaii, although he was not immediately recognised as a master of surf photography, he worked alongside one, learning and perfecting his craft. Composing an image with the threat of a wave ready to crash over your head is not an innate skill. It takes practice, and Darrell Wong has devoted himself to it intensely. For him, it wasn't so much a job as an all-consuming passion. When Robby Naish, Pete Cabrinha and a few other rising sports stars came into his frame, he focused all his energy on those moments, with remarkable results. Darrell Wong is as unassuming and relaxed a photographer as you will ever meet.